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User Manual
CHAPTER 1 MAIN SPECIFICATION …………………………………………….……......................-2-
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION ……………………………...…………………....................................-3-
2.1 FRONT AND BACK VIEW OF INDICATOR …………………………………….………………...-3-
2.2 KEY FUNCTIONS ……………………………...…………………………....................................-4-
2.3 CONNECTING LOAD CELL TO INDICATOR………….. …………………………....................-4-
CHAPTER 3 OPERATION …………….…………………………………..……………………....……-5-
3.1 POWER ON & ZERO SETTING…..………………..……………………………………...……… -5-
3.2 MANUAL ZERO SETTING……….………..……………………………………………...………...-5-
3.3 TARE …………….………………………………………………………………………...………….-5-
3.4 ACCUMULATING ………………………………………………………………………...………….-5-
3.5 COUNTING ……………………………………………………………………………...…………...-5-
3.6 USER FUNCTION STEETING ………………………………………………………..……………-6-
3.7 CONNECT SCOREBOARD TO INDICATOR ……………………………………..……………...-6-
CHAPTER 4 CALIBRATION ………………………………………………..…………….....................-9-
CHAPTER 5 ERROR INDICATION ….. ……………………………………………….. ....................-10-
CHAPTER 6 CHARGEABLE BATTERY ………………………………….……………………………-10-
CHAPTER 7 MAINTENTANCE …………………………………….……….…………........................-11-
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Chapter 1 Main Specification
1. Model: XK3190 -A12 weighing indicator
2. Accuracy: GradeⅢ, n=3000
3. Sample Rate: 10 times / second
4. Load cell sensitivity: 1.5~3mV / V
5. Scale interval: 1/2/5/10/20/5 0 for option
6. Display: 6 bits LCD,6 state indicating signals
7. Scoreboard interface (optional): In serial output mode:current loop signal,
transmission distance≤50m,
8. Communication interface (optional):RS232C;Baud rate 1200/2400/4800/9600 optional
9. Power supply: Battery DC6V/4AH
10. Operating temperature/humidity: 0~40℃;≤90%RH
11. transporting temperature: -20~50℃
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Chapter 2 Installation
Front View
Back View
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[FUNC ] Keep pressing this button for 5 seconds more in weighing mode, it will come into
operator setting mode; less than 5 seconds, it will come into counting mode.
[ACCUM ] Press this button to accumulating the weight in weighing mode.
Press this button for sample taking in counting mode
[TARE ] Press this button to tare in weighing mode.
[ZERO ] Press this button to zero in weighing mode.
[ON/OFF ] Press this button to start the indicator when it is off; and press it to shut off upon on.
1. The 9-pin socket is used for the link-up of load cell, which has been clearly shown in the graph
2. The 4-pin shielded cable is used, and the indicator does not have the function of long distance
■3. Indicator must be reliably connected to Load cell and shielded-cable of load cell must be
reliably connect ed to underground. If indicator is powered on, the user should not insert or
withdraw the plug in order to protect the indicator and load cell.
■4. Sensor and indicator are static sensitive devices; you must adopt anti-static measures. The
electric wielding operation and other strong electric operation are prohibited. In order to protect
the operato r, indicator , and rele vant devices , you should inst all lightning rod in the
thunderstorm frequently happening area
Port of Indicator Port of load cell
- V Shielded +V ⑥ Excitation Voltage+
①- V Excitation Voltage-
①② ③④⑤
⑥⑦⑧⑨ +IN ⑨ Output Signal+
⑧-IN Output Signal -
+V - IN +IN shielded ⑤
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(Graph 2-3) Drawing of connecting of load cell
Chapter 3 Operation
3.1.1 The indicator will perform “999999-000000” to self-checking when turning on. Then it will enter
weighing mode.
3.1.2 When power on, if loading weight on the scale deviates from the zero point, but still within zero
set range, the indicator will set ze ro automatically; if out of range, it is necessary to adjust the
zero point or recalibrate or reset.
3.2.1 In weighing mode, when there is some error when unloaded, press [Zero] to make the indicator to be
3.2.2 If the displayed value deviates from zero point, but still within zero-range, pressing [Zero] key is
available. Otherwise, [Zero] key is i nvalid. (In this st atus, please recalibrate or res et zero
3.2.3 Only when stable annunciator is on, zero operation can be available。
When Indicator at weighing status, and displaying positive weight stable, press [ Tare ] key, indicator
will deduct the displayed weight value as tare weight. Then indicator displays net weight as “0 ”, and
Tare sign annunciator is on.
In weighing mode, when the displayed value is positive and stable as well, press [Accum] key to
accumulate the present weight and display the accumulated weight, the accumulate annunciator will
be on. Press this key again, it will back to weighing mode and the accumulate annunciator will be off.
The next accumulating operation must be performed after the weight return to be zero. When the
accumulated weight displayed, press [Func] key to clean the accumulated weight in Memory and
press [Accum] to return weighing mode. If the accumulated weight needs to be checked, please keep
the load of platform to be zero, then press [Accum] to display the accumulated weight.
In weighing mode, press [Func] to enter the counting state, it will display “count”, and press [Accum]
it will display “C00000”, then press [Tare] to move the digit corresponding with the small triangle, the
number corresponding with the small triangle will be increased one by one each time after pressing
[Zero] key; and it will enter counting function after the sample number inputted and [Accum] pressed.
“0” will be displayed and the counting annunciator will be on. Press [Func] key to return weighing mode.
After entering counting mode, “count” will be displayed, press [Accum] twice times to enter counting
mode directly, indicator will display according to the result of the sampling last time. (In this process, if
the ERR4 appears, it means sampling failed, the indicator will keep the result from the last sampling)
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In weighing mode, keep pressing [F] for 5 seconds more, it will enter operator setting mode (mode P),
there are 10 modes from P1 to P10 for option, press [Accum] to choose the mode and press [Tare] to
choose the parameter. The description of parameter as follows:
1、P1 x kg Lb change
X=1: kg display
X=2: Lb display
2、P2 x automatically power off
X=1: No this function
X=2: Power off 10 minutes later
X=3: 20 minutes
X=4: 30 minutes
3、P3 x Baud rate setting
X=1: 9600
X=2: 4800
X=3: 2400
X=4: 1200
4、P4 x RS232 Net/Gross weight output option
X=1: Net weight output
X=2: Gross weight output
5、P5 x RS232 output mode option
X=1: No transmission (RS232 stop)
X=2: Continuo us transmission
X=3: Continuo us transmission when stable
X=4: Command mode(Z:zero,T:tare,R:transmit weight data once time)
X=5: Curr ent loop output
X=6: Keep (Printer)
6、P6 x Backlight setting
X=1: No backlight
X=2: Automatic backlight
X=3: Keep lighting
7、P7 x Zero-tracking scope
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X=1: 0.5e
X=2: 1.0e
X=3: 1.5e
X=4: 2.0e
X=5: 2.5e
X=6: 3.0e
X=7: 5.0e
8、P8 x Zero key scope
X=1: 2%FS
X=2: 4%FS
X=3: 10%FS
X=4: 20%FS
9、P9 x Zero scope upon starting
X=1: 2%FS
X=2: 4%FS
X=3: 10%FS
X=4: 20%FS
10、P10 x Digital filtering intensity
X=1: high
X=2: middle
X=3: low
11. P11 X Stabile time
X=1: high
X=2: middle
X=3 low
12. P12 X Stable extent
X=1: low
X=2: middle
X=3: high
3.7.1. Electric current or RS232 interface is used for scoreboard signal, which is transmitted in
serial binary code style. The baud rate is 600.。
■ Make sure that scoreboar d and output lead are connected correctly. If there is something w rong
with connection, damage will happen to output p ort of instrument and input por t of scoreboard,
sometimes, the damage is so big to influence the instrument and scoreb oard. Only specially
provided connecting cable is allowed to be used.
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■ Make sure that communication interface out put lead and computer a re correctly connected, if
there is something wrong with connection, damage will happen to output p ort of instrument and
input port of computer, sometimes, the damage is so big that instru ment, computer and
corresponding peripherals are got involved.
■ Necessary computer technology and progr amming expertise are require d for compute r
communication, which should be participated and instructed by professionals. Non-profe ssional
staff is supposed not to be involved in this regard.
With RS232(optional) serial communication interface, the XK3190-A12 indicator can be connected to
computer for communication. 1. All data are ASCII code, every set of which is composed of 10 bits: the 1st is starting bit, the 10th is
stop bit, the middle in between are 8 data bits.
Communication mode as follows:
(1). In continuous mode: The data transmitted is weight (Gross weight or net weight)
The format of G.W.:ww000.000kg or ww000.000lb
The format of N.W: wn000.000kg or wn000.000lb
Note :The position of above decimal is decided by the decimal set on the indicator.
(2). In command mode:
The indicator performs the corresponding operation according to the command transmitted from
the indicator.
Command R The indicator receives and sends weight data once time (the format is the same as
the continuous mode)
Command T The indicator receive the command and tare (the same as tare key); if no receipt of
the command. The indicator returns CR LF
Command Z The indicator receives the command and zero (the same as zero key); if no receipt
of the command, the indicator returns CR LF.
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Chapter 4 Calibration
4.1 Connect load cell properly, then turn on the indicator, press [#] key while it is initialization, it will
enter into the calibration mode and calibrate as following:
Press [TARE] for selection
of division [d X ]
Select division optional(1/2/5/10/20/50),press [#]
for confirm
Example: 20
Press [TARE] for
selection of DECIMAL
POINT selection
[P X ]
Select decimal point optional: 0~3, press [#] for
Set the full range [FULL ]
Press [TARE] for selection of the dig it bit; Press
[ZERO] for selection of the digit;
Press [#] for confirm the input of full range
Zero point calibration:
Press [#] when the st able
signal is on
Assure there is no load
Full range point calibration:
Press [#] when the value
input is the same as the
loaded w eight and the
stable signal is on [AdLOAD]
While inputting the loaded weight,
Press [TARE] for selection of the dig it bit; Press
[ZERO] for selection of the digit; when the input
value is the same as the loaded weig ht and the
digit bit is at the highest bit, press [#] when the
stable signal is on
[ End]
Press the calibration
switch under the le ad
sealing board at the ba ck
of the indicator
It saves the calibration parameter and back to
the weighing status. Attention: if no pressing the
calibration switch, all the p arameters won’t be
Press [#] while it is initialization, it enters into the calibration mode.
4.2.1 Fast calibration for zero point:
At any time before it shows [nOLOAD], press [FUNC], it keeps the original division, decimal point, full
range and enter into the zero point calibration mo de. Press [ZERO] when the st able signal is on, it
displays [End] and keep s the original full range p oint calibration. Press th e calibration switch under
the lead sealing board at the back of the indicator, it saves the setting and back to the weighing status.
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4.2.2 Fast calibration for full range point:
At any time before it shows [AdLOAD], press [ACCU], it keeps the original division, decimal point, full
range, zero point calibration and enter into the full range point calibration mode. When it is finished,
press the calibration switch under the lead sealin g board at the back of the indicator , it saves the
setting and back to the weighing status.
Chapter 5 Error Indication
EER 1 The AD value is too small when calibrated.
EER 2 The zero point is out of range when calibrated.
EER 3 The zero point is out or range upon starting
EER 4 The imputed sample number is zero when sampling n counting mode.
EER 5 The imputed weight is zero when full scale calibrated in calibrating mode.
EER 6 The unit weight is less than 0.25e when sampling in counting mode
bAt-lo Low power
Chapter 6 Chargeable Battery
6.1 Turing on the AC power, the indicator will ch arge the battery automatically . So if you don’t use
battery frequently, you should take battery out.
■ Note: red end is +, black end is -. Wrong connection will destroy indicator.
■ Note: The built-in battery should be fully charged before it is used for the first time.
6.2 Only when you turn off the AC power, and push start key, battery works. Displaying [LouoL] means
the insufficient of voltage, it needs charge.
6.3 When you use the battery first time, you should charge the battery for 20 hours in order to prevent
low voltage resulted from the self leakage of the battery.
6.4 If you don’t use battery for a long time, you should charge the battery for 10-12 ho urs for each 2
month to prolong using life of battery.
6.5 The battery is easily exhausted products. And it is not granted free guarantee.
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Chapter 7 Maintenance
7.1 To guarante e indicator clarity and us ing life, the indicator shouldn’t be pl aced directly under
sunshine and should be set in the plain space.
7.2 The indicator can’t be placed into the place where the dust pollution and vibration are serious.
7.3 Load cell sh ould connect with indicator reliably , and the syste m should be well connected into
ground. The indicator must be protected from high electrical field and high magnetic field.
■ In order to protect the operator, indicator and relevant device, you should mount lightning rod in
thunderstorm frequently happening area.
■ Load cell and indicator are static sensitive device, you must adopt anti static measures.
7.4 It is strictly forbidden to clean the case of indicator with intensive solvents (for example: benzene
and nitro oils)
7.5 Liquid and conducting particle should not be poure d into the indicator, otherwise the ele ctronic
components will be damaged and electric shock is likely to happen.
7.6 You should cut of f power supply of indicator and relevant device before you pull-i n and out th e
connecting line of indicator and external device.
■You must cut off power supply of indicator, before pulling out connecting line of load cell.
7.7 During operation, if trouble occurs, operator must pull off the power supply plug immediately, and
user should return this indicator to our company for repair. Non-weighing manufacturer should not
repair it, or by yourself, otherwise further destruction may happen.
7.8 The storage is not granted the free repair guarantee, because it is easily exhausted products.
■ In order to prolong us ing life, plea se charge the cell fully before using it. If you don ’t use the
indicator for a long time, you must charge the cell every two month and for eight hours/each
charging time.
■ Moving or installation must be carefully taken and must avoid strong vibration, impact and bump
in order to protect the storage cell from being damaged.
7.9 From invoice date, the indicator has a one-year fre e repair period. If any non-artificially obstacle
about the indicator happens under correct using conditions within this period, the user is allowed
to send the product with its guarantee card (of the correct number) back to our corporation for free
repair. The indicator shouldn’t be taken apart, otherwise free guarantee will be cancelled.